Is Your New Product Idea Ready For Production?
What Would You Like To Do?
Develop a New Product
Estimate Unit Price
Build a Prototype
Find a Factory
Create a Product Strategy
Validate an Idea
Each step of the product development process is crucial. Skipping these steps can cost you time and money, or may end up derailing your whole project.
Take our product development assessment to truly determine what next steps you need to prioritize.
95% of new products fail or don’t make it to market due to missteps early in the process.
95% of new products fail or don’t make it to market due to missteps early in the process.
Take our new product development
assessment to find out if you’re missing
crucial steps before you invest in
inventory for a product that may not work.
Take our new product development assessment to find out if you’re missing crucial steps before you invest in inventory for a product that may not work.
The 8 Steps of New Product Development

The 8 Steps of New Product Development

Build something that 100 people love, not something that 1 million people kind of like.
~ Brian Chesky, Airbnb
Build something that 100 people love, not something that 1 million people kind of like.
~ Brian Chesky, Airbnb

The Hard Truth About
Developing and
Winning Products
The Hard Truth About Developing and Manufacturing Winning Products
Why do some products fail, while others
have huge success?
Why do some products fail, while others have huge success?
Every great product starts with an idea. But, the hard truth is, that it takes a lot more than a good idea to build a product for scale.
With over one thousand products brought to market, we can confidently say that the most successful products had 6 characteristics in common.
Every great product starts with an idea. But, the hard truth is, that it takes a lot more than a good idea to build a product for scale.
With over one thousand products brought to market, we can confidently say that the most successful products had 6 characteristics in common.
6 Key Things That Make All the Difference

So many things have to go right in order for new products to be successfully brought to market. This assessment encomasses the 6 key areas that require intentional planning and execution in order for the new products to make it through the production process, and successfully sell. Find out where your gaps are, so that you can beat the odds and predictably develop winning products.
Need: Verified market need.
Performance: Consistently provides the promised result.
Market: The target market is viable (targetable, able to purchase, and stable to growing).
Costs: Costs allow you to earn enough profit at scale.
Resources: Access to the required resources.
Advantage: Unique advantage that can be leveraged for success.
Our Proven Product Development Process That Works
There is no single quality that distinguishes ideas that have the potential to succeed from those that don’t. Most people who aspire to create a great product think that successful products have some “magic” feature or an X-factor that bestows a universal appeal. That kind of thinking is fundamentally wrong, and leads to the manufacturing of ineffective, defective, misaligned, costly, or products that people simply aren’t willing to pay for.
All of this can be avoided if the product development process is followed without missing steps, and if your product has the 6 key traits that we’ve identified in our assessment.

The Science of Predictable Success
This is about the science of predictably building successful products. Success and failure aren’t about luck. There is a reason why some products fail and others make it big.

Powerful Assessment
Our 2-minute, 14 question assessment focuses on those 6 key things that make all the difference between failure and success for new products.

Know Your Next Step
It was designed specifically to help you zero in on the specific next step that will set you up for success.

What’s In It For You?
Take the assessment to find out if you are missing any of the key traits that successful products must have, and know the next step you must take to get it right.

Increase your odds of success.

Develop new products without wasting money.

1173 S 250 W Ste 107
Saint George, Utah 84770
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